We are a non-profit organization that offers free public discussions on the weekly topics. Membership in The Theosophical Society of Victoria is open to anyone who wishes to explore Theosophy.
In Victoria, the first Theosophical Society was formed in 1892 and was called “The Kshanti Theosophical Society.” “Kshanti” means “patience sweet, that nought can ruffle.” “In the absence of egoism, there is nothing to be offended or disturbed. The mind is like a light which burns steadily, unaffected by outer conditions.” H. P. Blavatsky
There has been an active Theosophical Society in Victoria, BC since 1892. For most of the 20th century, the society was directly affiliated with the International Theosophical Society with its headquarters in Adyar, Chennai (Madras), India. Since the mid 1990s the group has been independent with friendly, informal ties to all other theosophical groups world-wide, while maintaining through our associate membership in the North West Federation, an indirect link with Adyar. We are an independent theosophical group registered as a bona fide non-profit educational society with the provincial and federal governments.
Continuing through to the present the group has been holding public meetings on a monthly basis on Mondays from September to June. Currently we meet in an attractive, harmonious venue at 3703 St. Aidan’s St. Victoria, BC.
In recent decades, the group has taken up each year a specific theme as a basis for talks, discussions, and in-depth study, such as:
- The Arts and Theosophy
- Healing and the Ageless Wisdom
- Spiritual Philosophers of the Eastern and Western Tradition
- The Journey of the Soul
- The Practical Application of the Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita
In current years, the following themes have been studied:
- The Wisdom and the Way
- Exploring the Inner Being
- All About Angels
- The Art and Science of Meditation
- The Masters and Spiritual Evolution
- The Mahatma Letters and the Wisdom Teachings
- After Life
- Timeless Wisdom Themes in the Key to Theosophy
- Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett
Please see our links page for information on Theosophy world-wide.
Our Lodge publishes an informational brochure for distribution through local libraries and places of public interest. We also invite those interested in our meetings through the Times Colonist Newspaper.
In Victoria our membership group refers to our discussion gatherings where we meet as “The Lodge”. In Canada, the animal emblem is the beaver whose home is called the “lodge”.
People who thirst for spiritual understanding are diligent and forever searching to build a spiritual home much like the hard-working beaver in the wilds of nature. Our Canadian roots hold strong in our discovery for a truth that can make sense in the world the surrounds us. “The Lodge” is a comfortable place to be.
There is no cost to attend any discussion at the public meetings. All are welcome.