Welcome to the home-page of The Theosophical Society, Victoria, BC (Canada) located on Vancouver Island.
The purpose of The Divine Wisdom is that free minded discussions, unencumbered by prejudicial bias of race, religion, gender orientation may provide a peaceful environment to study Philosophy, Science, World Religions and the Arts among other topics of the day.
Please browse the drop down menu on this website for full details of the local Victoria Theosophical Society.
The TS of Victoria offers the opportunity for inner evaluation of the divine path as an open route to self transformation.
The idea of Theosophy sees mankind as a whole, becoming more effective, more creative, more loving, beyond what we are now. If you are interested in this timeless world-view for modern day, then perhaps The Theosophical Society of Victoria may hold something for you.
Membership for the Theosophical Society of Victoria is $40 per year. To continue our open public meeting forum, a healthy group membership is required. If your Theosophical pursuit for the Wisdom of the Ages has inspired you, then your input may assist others “on the path”. Your sharing would be appreciated. You may connect with us through the information provided.